Safe And Secure

Closeup of Bride & Groom Holding Hands

By Tillmon

The movie Dave depicts a man who looks like the president of the United States and gets a request to stand in for him–first during official functions and later for an extended period after the president suffers a serious medical setback.

During one scene Dave is talking with the secret service agent who’s assigned to protect the stand-in president. The agent tells Dave that he (the agent) would take a bullet for the real president. As the stories plays out, Dave goes far beyond the call of duty as “president.” Then, at the end of the movie, the same agent says he’d take a bullet for Dave, too.

It was a powerful statement.

Love in the Face of Danger

As parents, many of us wouldn’t give a second thought to preventing our children from being harmed, even at the expense of our own lives. We’d become their secret service agent in a heartbeat.

But husbands, do you also feel that way about your wife? Do you love and cherish her at a level where you would do anything and everything in your power to prevent her suffering? This is not to put you on a guilt trip, just a question, man to man.

If you’re really brave, go ask your wife if she believes you’d take a bullet for her. (You can do it right now if you want; I’ll wait.)

Meanwhile, wives, how about it? Do you feel secure and protected? If you were in real danger, do you think your husband would take a bullet for you? Or would he hope he could run faster than you?

Husbands, wives, leave your answer below and share this post with your friends.
