National Marriage Week: Snorting and Sneaking

A couple in red t-shirts laughing

By LaCharla

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that on Friday we offered a way to celebrate Day 1 of National Marriage Week. Then, we spent so much time living real life that we didn’t get around to posting ideas for Days 2 and 3 this weekend.

So, we’re sorry to be late, but we’re here with two ideas for Days 2 and 3.

Day 2: Go For Comic Relief

Ever notice how couples behave when they’ve been fighting or when they’re carrying around old resentment? One thing they probably don’t do is laugh together. There’s something magical about laughing together so hard that you’re snorting, crying, and trying hard to catch a breath. Plus, laughing is a great way to throw off everyday stress–even if it’s just for a couple of hours.

Laughing together lets us connect in a positive way. The last thing we want to do while we’re laughing uncontrollably is to complain or nag or whine. We’re more fun to be with when we’re laughing.

So find an activity that makes you both laugh, and let the snorting begin!

Day 3: Play Hide and Sneak

How often do you receive hand-written notes? I mean other than the ones written on greeting cards.

Right. That’s what I thought.

So our Day 3 idea is Love Note Hide and Sneak. You can use blank greeting cards, sticky notes, or even toilet paper if you want. (I’m a crafter; so I sometimes make my own cards.) The point is to hand-write a note that says one thing you appreciate about your spouse. Make it funny, serious, poetic, mysterious, or whatever suits your style. Just be specific, and let your appreciation shine.

Next, have fun sneaking and hiding your note. You want your spouse to find it, but you want finding it to be part of the fun!

Try hiding a note in his shaving kit and inside one of her favorite stilettos. Stash a note in his bowling bag, and slip a card in her jewelry box. Make it a game you both play, and everybody wins.

Go Forth And Conquer

So now you have two more simple ways to nurture your marriage this week. Feel free to share some of your own ideas in the comment section below, and please use the social buttons to share this post with your friends.

Happy snorting and sneaking!
