National Marriage Week: Just This One Time

A couple siting on a low wall holding hands

By LaCharla

Today, you get our Day 5 idea for National Marriage Week, and it’s a simple one. Well, the idea is simple. Doing it is gonna cost you. But we think you’ll like the payoff–maybe enough to try it again and again.

Switch Up

As a couple, you probably have quite a few things in common. Then, there are those other things that you’d rather eat dirt than do Well, put away whatever condiment goes with dirt because it’s time to challenge yourself!

Today’s idea is to choose two activities–one that you enjoy that your spouse is not so crazy for and one your spouse enjoys that leaves you rolling your eyes. Set a date to try each activity together.

Decide in advance that you will…


  • Choose an activity that WON’T torment your spouse
  • Keep your activity at around 2 hours or less, and
  • DECIDE to have a great attitude when you join in your spouse’s activity


Why in the World Would I Do That?

Okay, so this might not sound like a great idea at first. And I can relate to that. My husband and I have a lot in common, but one of our big differences is that I’m a strong introvert, while he’s a strong extrovert. So we enjoy different types of leisure activities.

You can usually find me reading, crafting, or tinkering with a website in my spare time. He’s more of an out-of-the-house kinda guy. You can see how this might be a less-than-ideal situation at times.

But, like you, if I’d wanted to live with someone exactly like me, I could have just stayed single. I didn’t, though, and I’m glad about it.

One of the benefits of marriage, when we do marriage right, is growth. And growth sometimes means coming out of our comfort zones to show love. Sharing an activity you’d normally avoid lets your partner enjoy a favorite activity that’s made extra special because you’re there.

Yes, this is a sacrifice. No doubt about it. And that’s what makes it great!

As Christians, we can use a little practice with the art of sacrifice. The Author of our Faith has said we should take up our cross and follow Him. And when you consider the many kinds of sacrifice that this life requires, sharing an activity that’s not your favorite is a very small thing.

Small or not, though, it may mean the world to your spouse–especially if it gives you much-needed time together. And if you saw our Back to Basics post, you know that for some spouses, time together is their primary Love Language.

Go Forth And Conquer

So there it is. Easy to understand. Not so easy to do. But we all know what happens when we sow good seed. Right? So get out there and have fun sharing a new activity, even if it’s just this one time.
